Category Archives: OldPrintingTechnique

The Collodion process

The Collodion process

The Collodion process, also known as the wet plate process, is a photographic technique that was developed in the 1850s and became popular in the late 19th century. The process involves coating a glass plate with a mixture of collodion (a liquid made from nitrated cotton) and silver iodide, which is then sensitized and exposed […]

Lanterna Magica: A Pageant of Illusions

  Centuries before the invention of photography and celluloid film, magic lantern and illuminated glass slides were at the cutting edge of entertainment. This inventive 18th-century technology dazzled and enthralled audiences as they watched projected animated pictures on a screen. This short film explores key points in the history of the magic lantern and the […]


Direct Positive RA-4 Reversal Prints

  Direct Positive RA-4 Reversal Prints. ft. Joe Van Cleave   A recepie You can make reasonable prints from some transparencies using Endura paper itself in a modified RA cross process. This is not for everyone, but is doable. The prints are rather high in contrast and have some mottle, but most low key scenes […]

History of camera shutters

In the past to make an image you needed a camera, a lens and some film. In the 1900s film was not as sensitive as in the 20th century. Therefore a lens cap was sufficient for opening the lens and closing the lens as the shutter speeds were more than 5 seconds. Later on, films […]

Sharing the International Cultural and Visual Heritage of Daguerreotypes

More than any other type of photographic image, from the moment of their invention, daguerreotypes were widely perceived as perfect reflections of reality. Daguerreotypes learned people to see the world photographically for the very first time, and still today we often regard them with a similar sense of wonder. We are attracted by their captivating […]

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