The differences between the Non-AI, AI, Af-D, AF-s/G and AIS Nikon mounts

These two photos show the differences between the Non-AI, AI and AIS Nikon mounts.

In this photo, note:

1. The “nostrils” in the fork on the AI and AIS lenses; it’s solid on the Non-AI.

2. On the AI and Non-AI, the aperture number 16 (the smallest on the lens) is painted blue. On AIS lenses, the smallest aperture number is always painted orange as at (3).

Here is a back view of four Nikkor lenses.

1. The two on the left both have the solid fork of a non-AI lens.

2. The AI and AIS lenses at the right have the “nostrils” in the fork.

3. The lens at the lower left has been converted to “AI” specification by milling the back edge of the aperture ring, creating the ledge necessary to mate with the AI ring on the camera body.

4. On the AI and AIS lenses, the ridge is part of the design of the aperture ring.

5. The difference between the AI and AIS lenses is the milled slot at the left and the fixed tab at the bottom of the AIS.

Non-AI lenses fit on the Nikon F, early F2, Nikkormat FT, FTN, FT2, EL and ELW, and the Nikkorex F. They can be used without meter coupling on the earliest AI camera bodies such as the FM and FE, but they MUST NOT be mounted on later ones such as the FM2, as it is possible to damage the camera body.

AI lenses fit all of these, plus the Nikkormat FT3, Nikon EL2, FM, FE, Fm2, FE2, later F2, F3, EM, FG20 and all later manual focus Nikons that do NOT feature program or shutter-priority exposure automation. They can be used on program cameras in manual and aperture-priority modes.

AIS lenses support program operation in the FA and FG models, in addition to fitting all earlier models listed above.

There. I THINK I’ve got that all correct. If you detect any misstatements, let me know and I’ll fix it.

Nikon different lens mounts
Nikon’s different lens mounts

6 thoughts on “The differences between the Non-AI, AI, Af-D, AF-s/G and AIS Nikon mounts

  1. Jim says:

    It is possible to use non-AI lenses on F3’s if you flip up a chrome tab on the right side of the lens mount of the body. This was a great bit of foresight by Nikon, and a welcome one too, now and in the F3’s heyday. Cheers.

  2. Michael says:

    I got a F3 from my uncle. From your description it looks like my Nikor normal lens is a non-AI.

    But it looks like somebody has mailed it out.

    Your article says that a non-AI wouldn’t fit on an F3.

    My question is, if the mailing HAS taken place, can you then use the AI lens on the F3, or is that still a problem?

    Also, would the metering work in such a case?

    As I say, I got these from my deceased uncle and I don’t know anything about them.


    • EdwinMolenaar says:

      Hi, If it has been mailed out , that means it will move the lever to indicate the aperture, this wil make a non-AI lens into an AI lens so it will work with all AI mount bodies

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